Volunteers typically find a leader in their community with whom to work on projects. Although there is great leadership in my community, I initially struggled to find someone who could devote the time and energy to working on community projects with me. The community had expressed an interest in acquiring and learning to use a computer, and I was excited to teach potential accounting and marketing techniques. However, it took some time to earn the confidence of the community, especially with such delicate issues as money. Throughout my first year, Norberto ( The Secretary of the Tourism Group who handles all the money) and I began working more and more together. Norberto, who used to calculate payroll by hand and had never used a computer before, now knows how to use Excel spreadsheets to calculate payroll and generate contracts in Word. Sky's the limit with Norberto.
Junior, the Chief's son, has also been working on the computer with me. He helped to create the brochures and business cards for the community. We practice English too, in hopes that one day he will be able to give presentations about the Embera culture to English speaking tourists.
I really enjoying working with these 2 guys!